onsdag 18. april 2007

Super-short version of what happened

Fred9/11 Researchers.com svarer 17/4 en nybegynner som nettopp har sett en av videoene hans på YouTube:
The Bush Administration and their backers in the Oil and Defense industries wanted to have a big war and take over the Middle East before China or Russia or Iran would do it. But, to do that, they needed an excuse.

The Neocons at the Project for a New American Century thinktank put out a document called "Rebuiling America's Defenses" which said it would be hard to get people to vote for more $$$ for the military without some kind of Pearl Harbor event. So the Bush gang collaborated with their buddies in the Arab world (yes, Bush family and Bin Laden family are old friends) and used allied military henchmen to blow up the World Trade Center (probably using the latest high-tech weapons). In order to make it look like a foreign attack, they aired fake "plane crash" videos on TV, and then announced that the whole thing was done by Osama Bin Laden who lives in a cave in Afghanistan. The whole Afghanistan invasion and Iraq war had already been planned in advance.

Then, after invading Afghanistan, they just made up the whole Iraq WMD threat out of thin air, even though Iraq was no danger to anyone.

They used the 9/11 event which they themselves staged to totally gut the Bill of Rights and justify wiretapping, torture, all kinds of crazy stuff that they have done since.

It's a very big scam, but it's falling apart on them. Check out 911researchers.com and killtown.blogspot.com or and 911closeup.com and covertoperations.blogspot.com for the latest new research. There is a fake "Truth Movement" which is unfortunately working for the bad guys which wants to hide the media's role in the attacks, so if you talk about "no planes hitting the towers" you'll get a lot of people yelling at you, but that's OK.

Don't worry. You're not alone. It's not bad at all at the bottom of the rabbit hole. It's a little shocking at first, but this sort of thing has happened before, and we'll get through it. If you want to learn more about the exotic weaponry used on 9/11 check out janedoe0911.tripod.com or 911bloglines.com and visit the Air Force Directed Energy Directorate.

tirsdag 17. april 2007

«Christian Resistance» intervjuer James Fetzer

Mark Dice (aka John Conner) har startet sin egen «kristne motstandsbevegelse» The Resistance (også kalt the Resistance for Christ og the Christian Resistance). Fra sitt eget radioprogram «Resistance Radio» har han postet et lydopptak på Google Video 16/4 med sitt intervju med professor James Fetzer fra Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

Mark Dice Interviews (grills) James Fetzer about Fetzer's Energy Weapon Theory (32:56)

På overflaten dreier intervjuet seg om Fetzers nye bok «The 9/11 Conspiracy», skrevet sammen med Kevin Barrett.

mandag 16. april 2007

9/11 Octopus

Bloggen «Krigen av Terror» skriver 20/1 om den nye dokumentarfilmen «911 Octopus», en video om medias medskyldighet:
Den falske krigen av terror kunne neppe ha blitt solgt til folket uten falskt-flagg terroraksjonen 11. September 2001, og viktigere, DoD og FEMA kunne ikke ha gjennomført 9/11 uten å først ha fått med seg media i alle NATO land på denne forbrytelsen.

911 Octopus er en film som utforsker media sin aktive rolle i 9/11 og hvordan det ikke ville vært mulig å gjennomføre dette psykologiske angrepet på verdens befolkning uten deres hjelp. Det er en film som så absolutt bør sees.
9/11 Octopus (Google Video).

søndag 15. april 2007

Why I think Judy Wood is the biz

Andy fra Norwich har lagt ut videoen «Why I think Judy Wood is the biz» (4:41) på YouTube 12/4:

Se også denne YouTube-serien fra konferansen «9/11 Search for Truth» i Seattle 28. oktober 2006:
Prof Judy Wood - WTC Destruction Part 1 (9:54)
Prof Judy Wood - WTC Destruction Part 2 (9:38)
Prof Judy Wood - WTC Destruction Part 3 (9:20)
Prof Judy Wood - WTC Destruction Part 4 (6:08)